Wednesday, December 30, 2009

More changes in personnel

No, I still haven't fired Hubby (though it's been a close run thing a few times this week...) but we got home from our trip to the snow to discover that our project manager, Achilles, has been "let go" by the construction firm. We now have a new project manager: Jim, the head honcho and overall big cheese of Jim's Bunch. In his email he said that we could expect to see "much faster progress" on our project. We've been pretty impressed with the progress anyway, so that would be spectacular.

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear your husband hasn't been fired yet...hehe.... It takes great patience to work on any house remodel. In fact, I have some a friend that owns a DIY website at I'm pretty sure they could pay you a 1 time fee of $20 to be listed on the right hand side of your website by PayPal. (a simple hyperlink).
    Let me know if your interested and I will be more than happy to have payment sent to you...especially if it prevents the children from having to work ;-)

    James Johnson
    "Children are the living messages we send to a time that we cannot see"
