Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Fenced In

It's all very calm and fairly quiet here today. Azmir and his mate are demolishing the rest of the bathroom. Just a few muffled thumps. I guess they'll be done with that today, and then I have no idea what they can do tomorrow. Everything else hinges on the trees being gone.

Delay - aargh.

Anyway, I didn't previously share a picture of our revised fencing arrangments in the front yard. The City said that we didn't have enough fences around the magnolia tree - they have to fence off the whole drip line area. Also the original fences crossed over our path, and apparently that isn't allowed either. So now we have a new arrangement, with a large fenced box around the magnolia tree...and on the other side of the path, a fenced enclosure protecting nothing. We're considering putting Little Starlet into it for Halloween. I'm sure she could look pretty scary in her cage.

(No, only joking.)

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